About us

Meet the ministers...


Pastor Deborah R. Milanzi (BBM Mwanza)




Minister Neema B. Sumari (BBM Arusha)

Sister Neema

















BBMI's Background



Initiated by Yann Nene-Bi, BBMI is a non-denominational non-profit Christian ministry focused on Biblical missionary outreach. Yann heard the call to ministry from the LORD JEHOVAH over 20 years ago; and for the past 15 years, he has been involved in church planting, training, support and occupied various offices. Since January 2021, the BBMI School of Ministry was born. Classes are held in-person at the Arusha Campus in Oloirien (Tanzania).




Yann is a firm believer in what Paul the Apostle instructed Timothy in 2 Tim. 2:2: "And the things you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also". In this letter Paul shows that a true servant of God must train others so that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is preached. At BBMI, we teach and equip dedicated men and women, sound doctrine and how to pray. Come and join us!